Draft Legislation Prohibiting Encryption of Law Enforcement Dispatch Radio Transmissions
An Act to Promote Transparency, Public Safety, and Press Freedom
Section 1: Title
This Act shall be known as the “Transparency in Law Enforcement Communications Act.”
Section 2: Findings and Purpose
(a) Findings
Congress finds that:
- Law Enforcement has in recent years been turning to encryption of their radio transmissions to prevent the public from monitoring their activities.
- Transparency and accountability within law enforcement agencies are critical to maintaining public trust.
- Public access to law enforcement dispatch communications enhances public safety and situational awareness.
- Access to dispatch communications is vital for journalists and media organizations to report on crime and public safety issues accurately and timely.
- Traditional media have invested in equipment and used their credentials with law enforcement agencies to access encrypted radio transmissions.
- Citizens now more than ever are turning to alternative media for diverse perspectives and dissatisfaction with mainstream coverage.
- Alternative media lack the financial resources and credentials to monitor law enforcement activity comprehensively.
- Alternative media access to dispatch communications provides varied perspectives in public discourse.
(b) Purpose
The purpose of this Act is to prohibit law enforcement agencies from encrypting dispatch radio transmissions, thereby promoting transparency, public safety, and press freedom.
Section 3: Prohibition on Encryption of Dispatch Radio Transmissions
(a) In General
Law enforcement agencies shall not encrypt dispatch radio transmissions and shall ensure that such communications are accessible to the public using standard radio scanners.
(b) Compliance
Law enforcement agencies shall implement the necessary technical adjustments to comply with the provisions of this Act.
(c) Alternative Compliance
As an alternative to standard radio scanners, law enforcement agencies may comply with this Act by live streaming dispatch radio transmissions on a publicly accessible online platform, provided the stream is unencrypted and readily available to the public.
Section 4: Exceptions
(a) Sensitive Communications
Law enforcement agencies may encrypt communications involving sensitive information, provided that such encryption is limited to specific channels or types of communications.
(b) Delay Mechanisms
Agencies may implement delay mechanisms that broadcast dispatch communications with a slight delay, allowing time to redact sensitive information. This delay shall not exceed more than 5 minutes.
Section 5: Implementation and Enforcement
(a) Implementation
Law enforcement agencies shall take all necessary steps to implement the provisions of this Act within 180 days of its enactment.
(b) Enforcement
Penalties for non-compliance with this Act shall be determined and enforced by the appropriate federal authority.
Section 6: Definitions
For the purposes of this Act:
- “Law enforcement agency” means any federal, state, or local agency engaged in the enforcement of laws and the maintenance of public order.
- “Dispatch radio transmissions” refers to the communications transmitted by law enforcement agencies to coordinate their activities and operations.
Section 7: Effective Date
This Act shall take effect 180 days after the date of its enactment.