Create a site the tracks, and sorts by state, party, name, and voting results for everyone in Congress & Senate or other major elected positions.
We’ve seen immense corruption within State Governors & city mayor elected positions… all elected positions. These individuals need to be added to this site, where transparency and even a rating system is included for everyone in office.
If an elected officials rating falls below a set standard in a given year, the position should go back to a public vote, or some other alternative.
Some sort of charts or color system could be shown to display how an individual votes. For example, they vote every year for wars, so they are given a 100 rating in a red bar.
Ideally this is owned by a co-op of individuals but it’s creation could be started with govt.
Tracking of donors, especially large donors so we can search and find anyone who was supported by a Soros or Rockefeller type.
In addition to your original comments - require the policy positions and propositions the government official ran on to be listed prior to the election. During the elected officials term, as each policy is enacted update the site to reflect it as having been brought to action. Once the act has passed, allow people of the state to comment and rate the effectiveness of each policy.
At the end of the term rate the government official on 1) was the person successful at bringing forth their policy ideas into action and 2) of the policies brought into action, how did the governed people respond to the law - was the result actually the intended result.
Allow only registered voters to rate the policies (regardless of party affiliation) and allow each person to rate only one time, but with the ability to modify their rating if their perspective changes over time.
At the start of the next election cycle the government official will now have a public report card to legitimately run on and should be something easily understood by the public.
Excellent ideas Stig, an open & transparent forum for elected officials is desperately needed given the degree of corruption in this country. Just look what’s happening in CA, NYC & Chicago.
Many don’t see it yet, but many elected officials are deep-state puppets, & all of them follow the exact same guidelines coming from globalist entities like the WEF.
I think govt gets in the way of “We The people” Elon needs to create a secure site for We the People can vote on everything. We vote on every bill, law, spending, the border, etc. A handful of polititions to delegate and speak for us at a small income, like 25.00 an hour. Working for US is a privlege, not a get rich quick scheme! NO HOUSE, NO SENATE, JUST LOCALS LIKE MAYORS ETC…
We’ve definitely gotten off track with the majority of congressman & senators. Being rich, or selling your soul for money should not be a requirement to get into office. Phil, you’re right about Elon, he’s a national treasure.
Ideally we get people in office who a successful home-life/career and then want to give back to the country. Now we have parasites, sucking the blood of the people. With unrealistic pay, and lifelong benefits.
An essential element to getting this country back on track is to remove the deep-state from msm (movies, tv & news). The harm done to this country from media is on par with the healthcare/nutritional disaster.
Most people are too weak minded to vote without accurate information. The billionaire owned, CIA directed media dominates the opinions of too many… fixing this issue is imperative!