Top Secret Security Clearance Restrictions for Congress

As a member of the armed forces, I have noticed what I believe to be a double standard between Congress and the military regarding granting Top Secret security clearances. In the military, security clearances are denied daily based on the fact that the person seeking clearance either has taken or is currently taking certain medications. Specifically, medications that may change your ability to reason (hormones, prescription stimulants, anti-dementia, etc.) are disqualifying. A precedent has already been established, and policies are in effect for military personnel. I think they should be applied equally to other government entities.

I propose we hold Congress to this “military standard” and revoke Top Secret clearances based on the drugs that they’re currently taking. This doesn’t disqualify them from being sitting members of Congress, but it will limit the committees they are eligible for. The member’s medical history won’t need to be made public (at least not under this policy), but a full blood lab should be done to determine security eligibility and annual training should be given to remind members of security clearance requirements (another military policy).