Too many taxes!

The amount of taxes we are paying is insane! An income tax, property tax, tax on goods. Why are we getting taxed on the money we make, spend, and own?? Our taxes feel like they’re going NO where. On top of that the price on goods is insane right now. In addition, low income families are practically getting told to keep being low income. They get consistent help from the government for not making enough money. There’s so many citizens in the middle class working 2-3 jobs to have money to pay bills. I’m in school for nursing, working 2 jobs and can’t get federal aid because I make “too much money” serving. Even though I’ve worked 2 jobs and have been moved out of my parents since 18, my parents are held responsible for my college debt. My parents make good duel income, with my dad working 2 jobs. However, my oldest brothers $100,000 student loan is legally my parents responsibility. Who can afford that? Not my parents, barely my brother. With the price of school, housing, food, etc. the MIDDLE class seems to consistently be the ones getting screwed. The middle class is busting their ass every day to pay bills, when are we going to be able to afford LIVING in this life? We get insanely taxed on making OK money. Taxed on buying a new car that we pray is reliable, and it’s not even worth paying off. Why? We get taxed AGAIN for paying it off! God forbid the people who actually work hard to afford nice things can actually afford nice things. I’m TIRED of feeling punished for making $20,000/year.