Time is healing more people with nutrition

To many people, time is money. To me, time is healing more people with Optimal Nutrition and Medicinal Foods with minimal or no side effects including death (to paraphrase the decades of 24/7 TV drug ads we have all had to endure). WHY TAKE AN INEFFECTIVE, SIDE EFFECTS-LOADED MEDICATION WHICH WILL OFTEN INJURE OR KILL YOU WHEN YOU CAN INGEST SAFE AND EFFECTIVE DISEASE-FIGHTING FOODS WHICH WILL HEAL OR EVEN SAVE YOUR LIFE? SEARCH DISEASE-FIGHTING FOODS FOR ANY HEALTH CONDITION AND BE WELL AND ALIVE VS. BEING MEDICATION AND/OR VACCINE INJURED OR DEAD? Let this message be the centerpiece of Make America Healthy Again and not a Side Show or the Caboose of Make America Healthy Again!