1. A Presidential, Line-Item Veto over the Federal Budget
Such a Presidential veto could be over-ridden only by a ¾ vote or more (75+%) in both the House (327/435) and the Senate (75/100); whereas a simple 50% majority was required to pass that fiscal year budget as a whole). This Amendment will empower the President to put some specific limits to Congressional spending in the annual federal budget for each fiscal year, which begins each October 1st.
2. Control of the U.S. Congress.
2A**. Congressional Term limits**. This amendment imposes a limit of 12 years which would be two full elected terms for a U.S. Senator and would be six full elected terms for the U.S. House of Representatives or any combination totaling twelve years elected to Congress. (Partial terms in office due to being appointed or elected to fill a newly vacant, partial term in a Congressional office shall not be included in this 12-year limit.) This amendment will return to the idea of citizen legislators, not career politicians. (For example, 6 House terms or 3 House terms plus one Senate term or 2 Senate terms, would all be within the 12-year maximum limit.) (Contingent on #5 below, the repeal of the 17th Amendment.
2B. This amendment will cut/eliminate Congressional pensions and salaries.
Per diem pay only. Expense account limits.
2C. This amendment will prohibit and penalize insider trading (stock equities). The penalty is impeachment and removal from office plus a term of four years in federal prison. The prohibition and penalty apply to both Congressional members and their family members as well as all Congressional staff members and their family members. The four groups mentioned will have their personal investments held in a ‘blind trust’ during (or sold prior to) their term of service in the Congress.
2D. This amendment will limit Congressional bills to one subject, no ‘earmarks’ can be added.
(But not the national budget.)
2E. Congress members and their staff shall not be exempt from the laws. No separate programs shall be set up for Congress members, their families, nor their staff. “Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply to the Senators and/or Representatives; and the Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply to the citizens of the United States.”
2F. All current Congressional pension funds shall be transferred to the Social Security Fund.
2G. The separate Congressional Healthcare program would be abolished.
2H. No member of a Secret Society may hold federal public office. (There are many such societies, Orders, and clubs, too many. Do you want names and examples? Here are nine: The Freemasons, the Jesuits, the Illuminati, the Carbonari, the Burschenschaften, the Triad, the Yakuza, the Costa Nostra, Yale University’s Skull and Bones Society.)
2I. No dual citizenships for federal office holders. No divided loyalties. (Israel, that means you!)
3. National Election Reform.
3A. “If you can’t vote, then you can’t contribute” to Federal Elections. American elections are to be by and for U.S. citizens only, not merely residents, and not corporate “persons”. (See the US Supreme Court decision in 2010, the Citizens United case.). This proposed Constitutional Amendment will reduce the undue influence from PACs, corporations, labor unions, foreigners, and from out of district and out of state “outsiders” in election campaigns. This Constitutional Amendment would prohibit minors, non-US citizens, foreign governments, their citizens, their governmental agencies, NGOs, as well as any corporation, corporate “legal persons”, LLCs and PACs, from donating or reimbursing money, labor, material, goods, time, support and any other in-kind contribution to federal elections and campaigns for federal office and punishes said donations and contributions. Election campaign donations and other “gifts” by corporate lobbyists will be considered to be bribery and punished by law.
3B. To prohibit bundling donations and transferring money collected for one candidate or election campaign to another candidate or election campaign. No ‘middlemen’. Each donor is to be identified with a name, a signature, their legally registered address (as in their county voter registration) and their current occupation(s). Services for the election campaign are to be paid upon delivery. (Hence, no company donations and no campaign debts.) “Unused” donations to be transferred to the U.S. Treasury. No bonuses for staff workers. No transfers to future election campaigns. No transfers as personal wealth. No political ‘slush’ funds.