This is an emergency! Net neutrality has been overturned!

The federal government shall not provide any financial aid, grants, or subsidies in any form to any internet service provider (ISP) that does not adhere to the principles of net neutrality as defined below (No tiered services) The internet is not just for shopping, federal government FYI the federal government gave a grant of $42 billion and a grant of $65 billion to internet infrastructure access!

I agree telling service providers what website they have to provide is probably over government overreach! And I say let them build their own internet if thatā€™s how they want to do it but they should not be able to use any infrastructure that was built with public funds or that used public funds so they can discriminate against websites.>-0

Net Neutrality Assurance Act of 2025

Section 1: Title

This Act may be cited as the ā€œNet Neutrality Assurance Act of 2025.ā€

Section 2: Definitions

For purposes of this Act, the term ā€œNet Neutralityā€ shall mean:

  1. An internet service provider (ISP) must treat all data on the internet equally.
  2. No blocking or throttling: ISPs must not block or slow down access to any legal content, applications, or services.
  3. No paid prioritization: ISPs must not create ā€œfast lanesā€ for companies that pay for better access or ā€œslow lanesā€ for those that donā€™t.

Section 3: Funding Restrictions

(a) The federal government shall not provide any financial aid, grants, or subsidies in any form to any internet service provider (ISP) that does not adhere to the principles of net neutrality as defined in Section 2 of this Act.

(b) This restriction applies to all current and future financial assistance programs, including but not limited to the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program, which allocates $42.45 billion for the expansion of high-speed internet access, and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), which includes $65 billion for broadband infrastructure.

Section 4: Infrastructure Use Restrictions

(a) Internet service providers (ISPs) that do not adhere to the principles of net neutrality as defined in Section 2 of this Act shall be prohibited from using any infrastructure that has been funded, in whole or in part, by federal financial aid, grants, or subsidies.

(b) This restriction applies to all existing and future infrastructure projects funded by federal programs.

Section 5: Compliance and Enforcement

(a) The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) shall be responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the net neutrality principles and infrastructure use restrictions outlined in this Act.

(b) ISPs found in violation of the net neutrality principles or infrastructure use restrictions shall be subject to penalties, including but not limited to the revocation of federal financial aid, grants, or subsidies, and the prohibition from using federally funded infrastructure.

Section 6: Reporting

(a) The FCC shall submit an annual report to Congress detailing the compliance status of ISPs receiving federal financial aid and the enforcement actions taken against non-compliant ISPs.


Yes! Bring back net neutrality and equal pricing for broadband access!

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more collaboration that can be done here, Iā€™ll just have to read up on the situation.

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Yes please collaborate because Iā€™m kind of tec stupid but I am old enough to remember cable bills and Cable packages. I donā€™t know how to effectively say what Iā€™ve been thinking because I donā€™t think a lot of people do Cable packages anymore for comparison. I havenā€™t had a TV in over 10 years. Since the courts have already decided it and the only way I see around it is saying you canā€™t use federal funds unless itā€™s going to be like it is right now or federal funded infrastructure and considering they got over 100 billion dollars in federal funds in just four years for infrastructure and thatā€™s taxpayer paying for the damn Walmart building we we shouldnā€™t be punished before allowing them the opportunity to use what we paid for for them to run their business. I agree with the sixth circuit when they overturned it but because it is federal overreach but they can build their oh damn infrastructure if theyā€™re not willing to keep it open to the public that paid for the infrastructure.


I think I agree with this policy. Not sure I have enough information as to the pros and cons of an agrument. But this sounds reasonable.


@CHarris would you like to merge?