The US must have flexible Geopolitical policies with our competitors on the world stage

In the 60’s the US was both an enemy of the USSR and China.
In the 70’s we took advantage of China-Russia split to ally with China and eventually take down the soviet union. 1 billion Chinese out of poverty owe the USA with this great upward growth.

Basically, the USA must not let any Continental power unite, as this would be a grave threat to the mainland. Russia and China must be kept apart by our alliance with 1 or the other.

Russia and Germany. Europe and Russia. Iran and Iraq. and so on.

The Cold war rhetoric should be completely dispensed from the media, and all those Russia hands who are afraid of losing their jobs by pushing this mess got us into the Ukraine conflict, as they no doubt wanted the war to happen. This pushed Russia and China close together.

In real terms, Russia is much weaker economically than China, and thus we should be closer to them at this moment. Things can always change and we must be light on our feet to keep the homeland free from threat.

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