Repeal the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
- Deport all individuals who weren’t qualified for citizenship prior to the act.
Repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913
- Abolish the IRS
Repeal the NFA and the Brady Act
- Abolish the ATF
Repeal the PATRIOT Act
- Abolish the DHS
Repeal No Child Left Behind
- Abolish the DOE
- Prioritize health and fitness education in schools
- Begin trade/technical/vocational training in high school
End all foreign aid and ban all future aid, except explicit disaster aid
End H1B worker visas
Ban corporations from owning single-family homes
- Banks have 6 months to sell foreclosures before they go to public penny auction
Ban non-citizens and foreign corporations from owning US land
- Use proceeds from seized land sales to fund infrastructure repairs
Repeal the “Affordable” Care Act
Reopen the mental institutions
Abolish the FDA and ban all food additives already banned in Europe
Ban all pesticides already banned in Europe
Ban public officials from speaking out against Constitutional Rights and punish them with immediate job loss
Any public official who enacts, upholds, or enforces a law in violation of Constitutional Rights is to be punished for treason and publicly hanged (retroactive)
Ban dual-citizens (active citizenship or not) from public office and all positions of power and authority, including media, teaching, banking/finance, military, etc.
Repeal the 19th Amendment
End no-fault divorce
- Financially punish whoever initiates divorce, except in cases of provable, demonstrable, and genuine abuse
Give citizens a first home in exchange for a term of public service - military, infrastructure/public works, etc. (One home per person/married couple only; married couples both performing service receive a better house than individual service)
Massive public works and infrastructure repair
- High speed cross-country rail system
- Bridge and dam repairs
- New freeways
- The Wall
End student loans
- Forgive student loans and take the balance from the Big Banks that were never punished for the Housing Crisis of 2008
- Remove useless degree course from university curricula
End qualified immunity for police
All politicians to be banned from stock trading
Close military bases abroad and bring ALL of the troops home
Enforce anti-communism laws already on the books
Make pedophilia a federal crime subject to the death penalty