The American Agriculture Resilience Act (AARA)

The American Agriculture Resilience Act (AARA) aims to foster a sustainable and health-focused transformation of U.S. agriculture by eliminating the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers in large-scale farming operations. This legislation would make the application of synthetic fertilizers illegal in such operations, setting a national standard for toxin-free food production. In place of synthetic solutions, the AARA mandates the federal government to develop, test, and deploy innovative and eco-friendly soil management practices that enhance soil health, improve crop yield, and reduce environmental impact.

The AARA promotes the exploration of innovative soil amendment products and organic alternatives that offer multiple benefits, including reduced water requirements, enhanced crop yield, and improved soil resilience. By utilizing organic ingredients, these solutions can support sustainable farming without the need for synthetic chemicals, further aligning with AARA’s mission to produce clean, toxin-free food.

Many large-scale American agriculture operations are situated on lands above the Ogallala Aquifer, a critical water source facing severe depletion and ongoing water insecurity. Sustainable soil amendments and water-conserving practices are crucial to preserving this resource, making agriculture in these regions more resilient and less dependent on intensive irrigation. Products that reduce water needs by up to 80% could be pivotal in conserving the aquifer and supporting sustainable farming.

Additionally, the AARA encourages the use of soil amendments that incorporate organic materials, such as legacy livestock manure, which provides an offtake solution for American cattle operations and further contributes to the recycling of natural resources.

While specific innovations offer promising solutions, the AARA encourages the government to seek information and proposals from a broad spectrum of innovators with similar sustainable products. By evaluating a diverse range of solutions, the AARA ensures a comprehensive approach to safeguarding water resources, promoting healthy soils, and securing the future of American agriculture through sustainable, resilient practices.


I support your initiative to make our soils healthy again. Great job!

"The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all. It is the healer and restorer and resurrector, by which disease passes into health, age into youth, death into life. Without proper care for it we can have no community, because without proper care for it we can have no life.” Wendell Berry