Taxes Paid to the State, not Federal Government

If we were to pay any taxes to a government (ideally via a consumption tax, not income tax), those are paid by the individual only to the state in which they reside. The state is then responsible for sending some of that money to the federal government. This would give the states stronger bargaining power with the federal government as they could resist giving money their constituents do not agree with. Infrastructure and other major needs will be handled by the state and the federal government will not need as large of a percentage as it currently enjoys.

Protect the individual by using the state.

I get the sentiment but wouldn’t this be an end to Federalism. The fed govt wouldn’t exist or function well with each state being in control of their funds. Ironically it could highlight that net money flowing out and into a state is generally negative (more spent Federally than federal taxes collected) hence the budget deficit.