Tax exemption for Military

I propose a bill allowing all members of the Armed Forces to be authorized tax exemptions on groceries.

This bill will allow anyone who is currently, or has previously served in any branch of the US military, to present a military identification card at the register to receive tax exemption upon purchase of grocery items.

This bill will enable veterans to receive tax exemptions the same way a 501c3 does.


Here’s the deal any member of the military keep in mind they are basically offering up their life to defend ours and country. Should be given a home of respectable stature nothing ridiculous but at least a 3 bedroom 2 bath home in their state of choice so if something does happen to them their family member never has a mortgage payment. They should have pay higher than the members of Congress and they should never pay a federal or state income tax ever. They should have free healthcare wherever they chose…Tricare prime is a joke they force our military members to get a referral to go to the Dr which is hours of phone time to get the referral from Tricare then it’s faxed then we can tell them we can accept them …no military member should have to lift a finger to do anything. They should be the true celebrities of America


You have no idea the number of people who believe military families don’t pay taxes—state, federal, you name it. As the wife to a prior A1C I think current and former military should not pay taxes on their purchases and receive an additional 10% off the purchase price.


As a military member myself (AD), Id be happy with the no taxes paid period. That’s sufficient enough. The Govt subsidizes our pay; we should want to put that back into the communities… taking 10% AND taxes hurts them more than it would hurt us.

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I believe the vets should be tax exempt on groceries.

I know they have access to the gi bill for college. I believe they should be trained at a technical school to have a trade to go to prior to leaving the military or right after they get out along with mental health care if necessary.

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