I feel like the average American pays their taxes and continues to live their life day to day not really paying attention to what our tax dollars are used for. A lot of people don’t think twice about it until they hear tax dollars are being used for something they are against, such as sending money abroad before taking care of our own.
We never get to input our opinion on what it should be used for let alone get to directly put our taxes towards what we want. Therefore I propose a website or something be made that has all the categories that our taxes are currently used for but the US citizens can go in and submit our taxes owed to what we want. For example, if I have to pay $35,000 per year in taxes then I should be able to log in and submit my $35,000 to one or more category I’m passionate about like the military.
It may even provide more transparency so we can see any corruption in government laundering our money for their own benefit. It would even let us limit congresses raises they love to give themselves because if no one votes for it per se then they can’t keep making themselves richer at our expense. Just an interesting idea I had, love to hear people’s thoughts