Take back and stop foreign governments from owning any USA land

All USA land and properties need to be owned by only American companies and people that live, reside and work here.


While I agree with this, we would also need to give up all of our military bases across the world. I don’t see that as a feasible options.


At least limit the amount of land a foreign government can own. Unless for a particular use like an embassy or something theres no good reason for mass land grabs by foreign governments.


Include all foreigners not just government! Only Americans to own land in America.


The United States does not own the bases on foreign soil. It is leased. A Foreign Nation can ask the United States to leave and within a set time period, the United States has to leave.


There might be something to be said about legal immigrants well on their path to citizenship being able to own land - a big, concrete step (pun intended) towards building their American Dream


This is an absolute must have policy. This is a non-negotiable for foreign companies/entities. They may rent our land and pay a foreign corporate tax but they may never own it.


No, they cannon Own US soil under any circumstances. They may rent/lease our land. Only US citizens should be able to own our land.


Any politician shown to benefit in anyway for allowing this to occur should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


Yes this I highly agree with and any foreign country such as china needs to have land ceased immediately and vacated from the US No more foreign investment in our farmland

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Yes! I agree!

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Absolutely only American citizens should own land in America


I agree with this. In fact we should be building “freedom cities” to ensure generations of American citizens are home and land owners with worthwhile jobs and a community one can be proud of.

Freedom Cities Initiative: Building a Prosperous, Independent, and Family-Centered Future for Americans - Economy - Policies for the People

Absolutely take our Country back and get all our people back that are spread all over the globe. End the Globalist Agenda and bring back all our equipment back dont just leave it all behind for other countries to pick up and use.

We aren’t allowed to own land in other countries such as China.