Amendment 28:
Section 1.
All laws passed by Congress, both past and future, shall be applicable fully and in total to all members of Congress.
Section 2.
Any laws passed by Congress up to this point that exempted members of Congress shall henceforth be superseded by this Amendment.
Section 3.
Congress shall pass no law that either exempts them or singles them out for treatment that is different from the general population of the United States.
Amendment 29:
Section 1.
Members of the United States House of Representatives shall henceforth be limited to three terms in office, or a total time of service of 6 years in the House of Representatives.
Section 2.
Current members of the House of representatives who have already accumulated 6 or more years of service in the House of Representatives shall see their terms of service in the House end with the end of their current term in office.
Section 3.
Members of the United States Senate shall henceforth be limited to two terms in office, or a total time of service of 12 years in the Senate.
Section 4.
Current member of the Senate who have already accumulated 12 or more years of service in the Senate shall see their terms of service in the Senate end with the end of their current term in office.