Subsidies holistic Drs and natural therapies PLUS health products

Government subsidises for doctors and health practitioners using natural approaches.

  • PLUS Consumer access to health products.

Lets face it. We all know by now that big pharma and the shadow government (same thing) don’t care about our health. Actually it seems clear to be the contrary as sick people make them more money than healthy people.

And we know drugs have side effects that keep us on the money train and reduce our quality of life. Therefore there needs to be incentives for doctors to engage in studying and practising natural medicine and natural healing therapies. Moving away from the “modern medicine” approach.

Incentives include :

  1. Gov funding or subsidises by credited/certified training (goodbye university indoctrination camps)

  2. The government supplements costs for patients to see a natural health professional over a mainstream doctor.

This will also create supply in demand. With patient fee subsidises patients will choose to attend a lower cost option (natural therapy) over a higher out of pocket practitioner. Practitioners in the natural health fields will become the higher demand options which will equal more financial opportunity for pracitioners (fill their books)

  1. Regulating practitioners patient fees.

The gov should set fee limits as currently we have both mainstream doctors and natural health doctors/therapists unregulated charging impractical exorbitant fees.

The health industry is currently like the wild west. These "professionals " who so dearly care for our health currently ruthlessly increase and set their fees to be impracticable.

Regulation must include ALL medical both natural and “modern medicine” practitioners. Modern drug pushing pracitioners will not have the patient fee subsidies, so even reducing their current fees it will still make them lesss appealing compared to natural practitioners.

Regulation of fees examples includes surgeons, dentists, chiropractors, Paediatritions, Gastrologists, Physiologist, Physiotherapy, ALL services to do with health.

This way it will attract people who are genuinely in it for humanity not for feeding of the sick as we currently see. If people are in it for the money they will choose another career. But leaving this unregulated really does open the gates for the wrong type of characters to feed like parasites off the most vulnerable. And it needs to stop as sick and injured people are often the most poor as they have not been able to work. And it is not fair that these doctors, surgeons etc charge their sick patients a years wage just for a 1 hour surgery etc. It’s dusgusting that these “medical professionals” can drive around in their expensive cars, live in their mansions and holiday for 1/4 of the year all funded by their poor and sick patients. It’s disgusting this has been allowed to happen for so long. The system is disgusting the way it is designed.

  1. Subsidises for natural health minerals, vitamins and consumables.

Alike the practitioners, the pricing for the subsidised vit and minerals needs to be regulated to prevent price gauging. There would be set vit and minerals and life essentials that are deemed as top priorities for human health that would be on the subsidised list.

For brands to be listed they would need to be made in USA and/or to a set/approved quality and their price must be capped if they are to be included as an approved subsidised source.

The cost after the subsidy would be very little for the consumer. This would promote the consumer to choose a natural product over a harmful product. Currently natural products are expensive and out of reach for most.

Water purifiers, air purifiers, natural soaps, shampoos, body lotions, suncreams and natural makeups, toilet paper, sanitary items would also have subsidies. This way people would choose less harmful products potentially resulting in less future health problems.

100% organic and natural fiber (not grown in pesticides) clothing also has subsidies. This would not only increase cleaner sustainable practices but it would improve consumers health.

Fruit and vegetables that are approved can make the subsidised list. Organic farming education also could be subsidised.

  1. Consumer Taxes: would be applied to high refined sugar food products of 80%. Any food products containing harmful seed oils or preservatives and certain harmful ingredients.

This would help manufacturers make better choices as it would the consumer.

And would also help increase the economy.


** If there is anything I have left out please add in the comments.