Subscription services for every item you buy in this age is relentless and tiresome. Buying an aura ring and having to pay a service. Buying Disney or Netflix and having them raise the prices while you’re actively in service and unable to do anything about it. The part of subscriptions is to make things cheaper but they just make your life more expensive and people forget they have them. There should be limitations. Why am I buying an item to have a subscription. Like the baby beds that have subscriptions. How is this not taking advantage of people. There should be limitations.
I’m not 100% on the credibility of the source but it explains the loopholes many corporations use in our Copyright laws. I agree wholeheartedly it needs to be revised again to reflect how digital media has evolved. I do not believe it’s been updated since it’s last revision in 1998 Section 512. BUT do not quote me. I know the FTC is starting its course of cracking down on companies. Lots of good stuff I never even knew about.
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