I dislike the idea of government being able to entirely cancel an agreement regarding borrowing money like Joe Biden tried to do with absolute student loan forgiveness, but I would propose a middle ground of loan relief: After 10 years (or some reasonable period of time) of making payments any further interest would be forgiven. 100% of the payment would be going toward satisfying the debt.
I feel a lot of student loans could be classified as predatory, and while college students are legal adults, many are not educated on the ramifications of this type of loan. Having fully paid off my loans myself, I understand why people in my situation balked at the idea of total forgiveness, but I think there is a practical middle ground that could be implemented as relief for existing balances, and perhaps as a limitation on future lending as well.
Employers don’t hire people without degrees. Why hire you when I can hire Kim who’s studied computer science for 4 years?
We used to go to college to learn philosophy and study literate, until the colleges jacked up the prices from 4,000 to 120,000. Are you telling me it became THAT expensive to run? Not likely.
Everyone should have equal access to education, that is how you create a merit-based system, by eliminating economic barriers.
Besides, education in itself should be a goal, not just learning about how to make the most money for the fat cats.
Hire whoever you want, But Know, ““Kim”” with 4 years experience in getting Book Learneded, is going to be Mediocre at best, and for a long time, until she either quits or finds a passion for it…
Whereas, Jims Dad is a Cowboy, but had Jim read the whole Dictionary as part of his Elementary Education, and Jim has almost every model of Computer that’s hit the Market, and not only can Jim build them, he can program and Reprogram them and make them do funny things, like turn peoples lights off from across town…
Jim already has a passion for it, and would rather play with Computers and Code than work on the Ranch…
Kim is only in it for the Money…
I’ll hire Jim, you hire Kim, and we will see who has the better results in 5 Years…