Stop the torture of targeted individuals

According to, over 350k Americans & 6 million worldwide innocent citizens are being experimented upon and tortured 24/7 with high tech frequency weapons including: synthetic telepathy; voice-to-skull; microwaves; scalar waves; radio & other frequency waves. Allegedly the perpetrators include: CIA, DARPA, FBI, US Air Force, US Space Force, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and in cooperation with Obama’s Brain Initiative, Universities and mental health providers. Torturous effects include: sleep deprivation; skin burning & lesions that won’t health; vibrations, burning & pain throughout the body; sexual assault; brain damage; memory loss; difficulty walking or speaking; muscular spasms & uncontrolled contractions. All this results in inability to work, thus loss of income, leading to poverty & homelessness. Many commit suicide. These technologies, which are inhumane & should be banned entirely enable the take over of another human beings body, even to the extent of being able to literally see through the victims eyes and hear their thoughts. This is how the New World Order plans on enslaving humanity. Targeted Individuals are the prototype guinea pigs, the canaries in the coalmines. PLEASE HELP STOP THIS NOW!


I agree! Many are suffering from these out of control fanatics experimenting on people. They are being tortured and are suffering every day. Please hear this and end this horrible practice by our own government!


This is a form letter anyone is free to share with the President elect.

Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

The Honorable Donald J. Trump
President-elect of the United States
[Address for President-elect Trump]

Dear President-elect Trump,

Congratulations on your recent election victory. I am reaching out to you with a matter that I and many other American citizens feel must be addressed with urgency. As a Targeted Individual, I am deeply concerned about the unchecked power wielded by intelligence agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and Homeland Security, which has allowed for tactics that severely infringe upon the basic rights of American citizens. I am hopeful that under your leadership, steps can be taken to restore justice, accountability, and trust in our government institutions.

My concerns are shared by hundreds of thousands of Americans who have been subjected to actions that can only be described as oppressive and inhumane. These actions include denial of FOIA requests, community stalking, defamation, and even allegations of harassment through directed energy weapons, similar to what has been reported by victims of Havana Syndrome. Such treatment of American citizens violates foundational principles of our democracy and must be addressed.

In an effort to combat this overreach and restore accountability within our intelligence agencies, I urge you to consider the following measures:

  1. Rework the FBI Protection Act – Originally intended to protect citizens from political policing, this act should be revisited and strengthened to more effectively curtail the FBI’s ability to overstep its jurisdiction.
  2. The Breed Act – This act proposes a shift in funding from federal law enforcement to community-based public safety programs. By investing in grassroots public safety, we can foster trust and reduce unnecessary policing that often targets innocent citizens.
  3. Decriminalize Neighborhood Networks – We urge a thorough review of neighborhood watch programs and other local initiatives to prevent them from devolving into avenues for unjust surveillance or harassment.
  4. Structured Complaint Overview Panel – Establish an independent panel to investigate and address legitimate complaints involving the FBI and related agencies. This panel would ensure that grievances are not only heard but also acted upon in a fair, transparent manner.
  5. Hearings on Specific Complaints – We call for hearings that will examine verified cases involving community stalking, harassment, and allegations of directed energy weapon attacks, particularly where there is credible evidence that implicates the involvement of intelligence agencies.

These measures represent a balanced and actionable approach to addressing abuses within our intelligence community. They would allow for increased oversight and accountability while ensuring the safety and rights of all American citizens.

As you prepare to lead our nation once again, I hope you will consider these reforms a priority in your commitment to uphold justice and the freedoms enshrined in our Constitution. I, along with many other Americans, believe that your efforts to address these issues would mark a new chapter in reestablishing our civil liberties and confidence in our government institutions.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to seeing meaningful reform during your presidency.


[Your Name]


Please stop the Torture of Targeted Individuals by Organized Stalkers. Gang Stalkers


Help the people who are followed everyday and stalked everyday by these hateful people. We need help please@


These surveillance/harassment/torture programs combine many industries together. Dividing nations into targeted and targeters participating in these acts involve:
victims of these actions have not had day in court to challenge any accusations and evidence or lack of evidence to fight accusations in court, done trough various surveillance lists via various agencies and government- private company/corporation/organisation partnerships and most of it is done to boost LE agency budgets;
Paid informants trough citizen crime watch groups and LE : these same paid informants use groups that includes children in harassment acts at home and in public, groups of informants follow surveillance victims in cars and engage in potentially lethal acts on public roads, participate in regular property destruction causing major financial damage to victim, often causing victim to move till they become homeless. These same agents participate into burglaries into victims homes to install surveillance devices ,cause damage inside the home, leave signs of burglary to cause sense of insecurity, at times cause poisonings by tempering with food or air systems, danger to life tempering with gas appliances and electric appliances. Many of these agents use wide variety of home made and purchased devices to hack home security systems, video surveillance systems, hack personal electronic devices and engage in wide variety of frequency device created EMF field frequencies for assault, sound frequency assaults ,laser device assaults and microwave radiation assaults with portable devices. Local, state, federal LE agencies are connected to these groups and programs as victims of these types of targeting are denied investigations even for life threatening crimes and frequently even with evidence police is accusing victim of mental illness and victims are forcefunneled into psychiatric care to discredit them. The multitude of existing patents for remote neural monitoring, targeted individual patent lists, voice to skull patent lists, microwave energy device lists and home made microwave weapon creation instruction videos , frequency weapon creation instruction videos to affect different bodily functions are testament to the fact that not only these are possible and they exist but also that these weapons are in private hands used in our neighborhoods.
There is a massive need to revise all watchlists based on proper criminal evidence and elimination of innocent victims from these lists. Agency funding should not be increased because they are surveiling more parents who protest pornography in schools, have certain political views , world views etc. Any surveillance should be based on proven criminal activity bases and by court order only. Any information sharing for any reason with any third party by any government or private entity should be banned unless it involves court sanctioned order. Any research facility who participates in any human research without proper contract with research subjects should be disbanned and all participants prohibited from working in any research. Any LE officer who obstructs human rights by failing to investigate crime, changing victims reports to suite police agenda, planting evidence should be criminally liable and liable for damages caused to victims. Any medical professional who participates in pay for play schemes to discredit victims of these crimes should lose their licenses to practice medicine. Any judicial officers who support these crimes with their actions in court to supress victims and to protect assailants should lose the right to practice law at any level and be held criminally liable. Any private citizen who participates in these highly unconstitutional surveillance/harassment/torture activities need to be held criminally accountable and made to pay restitution for financial damage, property damage, health damage, emotional injury and suffering they cight. Causing death trough these activities should be punishable by death or life in prison without parole. Any private company who assists in these harassment activities: locksmits, car companies, realtors , plumbers, security companies, electricians, guardeners and more should face severe financial penalties and and pay restitution to victims.
We also need nationwide list of all term life and life insurance policies taken out on all people so the insured can access the list and report fraudulent policies taken out without consent of insured that often is used by criminal entities and organisations to create extra income on those used in targeting/ experimentation/harassment programs. Current law does not allow this knowledge until insured is deceased.
We also need agency that is competent and capable to investigate reports of dangerous EMF frequency levels, frequency weapon use and change old frequency regulations of what is normal and healthy to reflect current situation. Currently there is no agency of being willing to do this and police reports about Havana syndrome related issues result of victim being accused of being mentally ill.
The globalist created targeting programs involving multitudes of government agencies, corporations, private companies and contractors from all possible specialties needs to end to restore our Constitutional rights removed from us, and we need to be compensated for all the medical/social engeneering/ mind control experiments we have been put trough causing severe financial, emotional and physical damage.


Stop the everyday and night of Organized Stalking. Targeted Individuals are subjected to these hateful people who wont leave us alone. These people tell lies to other people who dont even know us. We need advocates to help us


Any watchlists need to be accessible by FOIA requests for watchlisted to able to fight watchlisting in court. Many of these lists are hiding behind government private partnerships like the ones in Fusion centers. Obviously hiding watchlists behind government private partnerships unresponsive to FOIA is unconstitutional as we have right to challenge any accusations in speedy trial.


Patriot Act has escalated targeting programs.

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Video here of Electronic -Harrassment energy caught on video on my Night Vision baby monitor

This is 1 of several. These are not flying insects, because flying insects don’t come through walls or fly through screened in porches



My attempted Murder started in 2020-2021 while driving Walt Disney World busses. Assault on my heart by DEW tech energy. I now finally have video on night vision camera recorded. I am still assaulted to this day. I have several of video of the energy which is Directed Energy



Some of the Sheriffs and other “Law Enforcers” are saddistic criminals that drive by and shoot EMF weapons at TIs while they are at home - sometimes even on duty using marked cars! It is good to document as much as possible each time they do it.

Just because some criminal conspirators make up BS like the patriot act doesn’t make any of this terrorism lawful. We need investigations into all individuals who have violated the 4th Amendment rights of private Americans by using criminal FISA courts to ignore the constitution. We need to try all these perpetrators with treason, sedition and crimes against humanity. Has ignorance of the law ever been a valid excuse for criminality? Can the patriot act or any other treasonous garbage really override the 4th ammendent? I say we prosecute them all - including the contracted out “gang stalkers” and computer programmers for the secret apps that they use to track and connect to targets.

We must publicly disclose all of these crimes to the point that every TI receives their entire unredacted case files. We want to know everything including every Agent, Officer and contractor involved in this criminality because we need accountability. Until this happens the hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of TIs will continue to regard the government as a terrorist organisation. They have been ceaslessly and lawlessly spying on us for in some cases many years and the only recourse we have had is attempting counter-intel to feed these morons disinfo.

Many TIs have already been killed by these creeps using techniques like sleep deprivation and artificially induced suicidal mind control programming. We demand that every American killed by these monsters to be disclosed and avenged.

DEATH PENALTY for all involved esp low level cowardly order-followers!

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Bounties are placed by FEDs and other “Law Enforcement” on private and peacefull Americans to be tortured by saddistic criminals. They use secret apps to connect to targets for various purposes ranging from just reading vital signs to sending bursts of radiation used to alter the moods and health of their victims.

For example, I caught these two on multiple occasions in recent weeks in front of my house eying my children while sending bursts of (measured) radiation at us.

The vibes these ppl give off are worse than anyone I have ever encountered in my entire life. Even the knighted MI6 assasin haunted by hundreds of kills that threatened my life at the park in front of my wife and children a couple years back for noticing the AG to stop the convid mandates was at least friendly about it. Even though he claimed that all the courts including Native American jurisdictions are loyal to the crown and that “you don’t have a country” - I still think he was a nice man and an angel compared to these two. I highly suspect that these two creeps were also scouting the hood for children to abduct - if they come after my children they will not survive.

Organ trafficking is real! Protect your children!