Stop Teaching Primordial Soup Origin of Life Model -- There's no Science for That

This narrative that life started in a primordial ocean with nonorganic material, then gets struck by lightning, and life cells suddenly appear. This is nonsense. There has never been science to suggest that life comes from nonlife. It’s a guess and has no science behind it. See Dr. Jim Tour, a Chemist, who has written and spoke about this. This falsehood may stop students from actually getting into this science field and helping move science in this area forward. This is no experiment or chemistry to support this idea that life chemically comes from nonlife in earths’ primordial oceans.

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My god, I had no idea this was being taught in schools.

Clear through COLLEGE, they teach this

This is actually what made me a scientist. In high school I saw that the textbook was blatantly lying. Specifically it said that the first cell enclosures were formed using lipids, when it should be obvious that there was no source of lipids in the pre-life environment. I have found tons of examples of science textbooks “explaining” concepts without facts to back them up. You don’t have to embrace creationism, just stop teaching falsehoods in science texts.

Yes, this narrative has been around forever. That’s awesome that you went into science to find out for yourself. I always questioned this model and finally took a deep dive into it’s claims over the last three years.

You might also look at explanations of how species with different number of chromosomes could evolve from each other. Hilarious hand waving. I don’t mind alternate or mainstream views, just don’t lie about science.