Many middle/high school English classes have children reading stories that advocate harming oneself or others around them. In order to stop school violence, teachers need to advocate peace so students don’t become violent. Having students read these kinds of books/short stories in the name of learning the history of literature could inspire children to replicate the violence they are reading. There are many peaceful works written that could be used as alternatives.
Children Beliefs:
Schools should not obligate themselves to make small children respect certain LGBTQ groups. Most schools in states like California are telling young elementary students that they should respect any gay or transgender person. I believe that it isn’t up to the school to decide what children around the ages of 7 should think about certain groups. Most children don’t have any understanding of what it means to be gay or trans, so teaching them at a young age isn’t necessary.
Bribing kids into changing their bodies with food or money shouldn’t be allowed. These kids who have been forced or bribed by schools into being transgender will grow up one day and regret their decisions. As said before, they are still young and don’t know what any of these things mean, so for schools to bribe them into doing things they most likely don’t want to do is just wrong. Young kids should stay innocent and enjoy their childhood.