Stop removing our natural resources under the guise of supporting natural resources

Federal law that would cease the depletion of natural areas or farmland for Green new deal agendas such as solar farms, which hurt the environment and habitats of wildlife.


This I agree is a top priority! They started years ago by taking all the trees from the city streets, which I thought was weird. Now all the neighborhoods have hardly any shade or places for the birds to nest. We need to plant more trees everywhere and stop pushing cliimate change as the reason!!!


I don’t know if it’s still in force, but there use to be a “virgin materials” tax exemption? It was to encourage industry and more economic development. It looked to me like a way to deplete the country’s resources, and leave our progeny with depleted circumstances.

Jacob Nordengard, author of Rockefeller, reports that climate change via CO2 was invented by the oil industry. Others have noted that since the US gov’t joined the plan, research grants have gone only to projects supporting the agenda, and colleges are staffed by said researchers. The propaganda has been thorough.


I agree with this. My question why they are not trying to put these panels on roof tops? Per Living Architecture Monitor:

"With an estimated 1.2 million acres of rooftops in the US suitable for solar panels . . . ".

Walmart, and any large building, could use their roofs, and possible put up simple parking lot canopies, all with solar panels.


“Exploring The Potential of Rooftop Agrivoltaics”


The parking lot solar would be a really good idea probably have to be taller. These people are nuts! But clear cutting means they get to sell the timber and that’s really what they want to do and then they get attacked credit for the solar panel because they’re hypocrites it has nothing to do with the solar green energy has nothing to do with being green solar power is an alternative energy not a green energy.


The deforestation in northern Michigan near Roscommon and Grayling is the real threat to our environment. Oak and maple Trees have a beneficial effect on carbon dioxide. Hold moisture preventing forest fires that can burn rapidly in brush or pines. Yet the clear cuts grow poplar trees or are planted with pines. Removing mast producing oak trees that take 40 or 50 years to regenerate is not good forest management. Wildlife need the mast producing trees. The loggers tell me " oh yeah when the governor needs some more money she just has us cut some more trees". Pretending to do forest management or improving habitat in the name of the environment. But actually doing long term harm for short term $$$. Now this solar farm stuff on cleared forest areas is a scam. Please help before we have no more forests left.