Stop pediatricians from banning parents for refusing vaccines

Right now pediatricians all over the country have “vaccine policies” aka vaccine mandates that force you to vaccinate your child or find a new pediatrician. Well in areas like mine (Palm Beach County, there are virtually ZERO doctors that will see unvaccinated children AND accept insurance. This needs to stop. We deserve healthcare and we deserve the right to make medical decisions for our children without fear we’ll be fired from a practice.


It is not acceptable and should be a choice; pediatricians should not deny care simply because we choose not to vaccinate.


I don’t think I can get on board with this one. Doctors have the potential to be in contact with immunocompromised patients. They should be able to weigh the risks against their patients and refuse to see unvaccinated patients if they see fit.


I totally agree!!

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The immunocompromised are already at risk being around the babies that are too young to receive the vaccine and are technically unvaccinated. Also, vaccine shedding poses a larger threat to the immunocompromised than the unvaccinated…


I would like to see them dig more into what is in the vaccines. And be more upfront on the contents not just “here is a vaccination for xyz”.


Yes and after going though the contents and side effects, allowing parents to make the decision.


NO MORE VACCINES! PERIOD. They are useless and make kids sick, slow, trans, etc. Vaccines need to end.


Yes please stop this! My grandson was progressing like a completely normal kid until a set of immunizations he got the shots that morning and had almost 105 temp by that evening was severely sick for over a week with chicken pox symptoms as well and has never been the same since and has now been diagnosed with autism don’t get me wrong I worship the ground he walks on but he will suffer from something that was preventable I didn’t even think you were allowed to refuse immunizations


We too have been kicked out of a Pediatric Practice because of our choice to not do vaccination. Please look into all the kick backs that doctors receive to insure kids are vaccinated. My kids no go to a doctor that does not accept any health insurance. Sure the office will help you with the insurance paperwork so you can file it in hopes that you will get some money back but it is never a guarantee. And the hardest part is you have to pay up front for all services at full price. This is impossible for some parents to do.


Exactly the problem - doctors get extra kickbacks for having a high vaccination rate. It has nothing to do with immunocompromised patients. If we get rid of the incentive to force vaccinations on patients, I imagine the practice will mostly disappear except for diehard vaccine proponents.


Yes exactly!! They should also be required to read the insert with side effects to their patients and only administer one at a time. [quote=“Stephanie Arnett, post:11, topic:11634, full:true, username:Stephanie_A”]
Exactly the problem - doctors get extra kickbacks for having a high vaccination rate. It has nothing to do with immunocompromised patients. If we get rid of the incentive to force vaccinations on patients, I imagine the practice will mostly disappear except for diehard vaccine proponents.


If we make a law to stop doctors from discriminating against unvaccinated persons, then we will need separate laws for daycare, hobby clubs, churches and etc. To stop all coercion and violations of bodily autonomy, we need to get to the root of the problem. Jacobson v Mass is the supreme court decision which is used to coerce vaccination, which is what doctors’ offices are doing. This Supreme Court decision was made with the approval of eugenicist judge OWHolmes, See Jacobson v. Massachusetts | 197 U.S. 11 (1905) | Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center.

Firstly, if challenged, that decision could be easily overturned since our constitution is designed to protect individual rights from corrupt authoritarianism. Secondly, the right to bodily autonomy is implied in the Constitution. In multiple decisions, the Supreme Court has recognized that the Due Process Clause subsumes a constitutionally protected right to refuse medical care.

Until we get the Supreme Court to stand up for bodily autonomy as it should, we can rely on Aaron Siri’s analysis of all the vaccinations that are currently required for school children: all but one – for chicken pox – do not prevent infection and transmission. But even the Chicken Pox vax does shed the first two weeks after vaccination. (This situation is a bit complex, particularly regarding the measles vax, so see Archive - Injecting Freedom by Aaron Siri)

In sum, our Constitution already protects bodily autonomy and we need to enforce it.


Wow! That was a great comment! Thank you for the link! Now we have to get to the Supreme Court!

I haven’t had any issues with schools, daycare centers, churches etc. Each time someone asks me for my children’s vaccine card I just show them our county issued vaccine exemption certificate. The doctor asked me not to return to his practice because we didn’t see eye to eye on key issues while everyone else just gave a weird look and moved onward.

Isn’t that taking away the Physician’s choice?

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Unfortunately, most required childhood vaccinations do not stop infection or transmission. So vaccinations don’t protect immunocompromised – who cannot receive vaccinations. See Did the Last Seven Questions Cover Five of the Six Vaccines Typically Mandated to Attend School in the U.S.?

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No one is forcing you to get the vaccine, there just are consequences for that decision - that is not the same as taking away your autonomy.

Find a doctor that matches your mindset, rapport is an important part of that relationship.

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Well, it is coercion. It is unlawful to coerce someone into taking a medical treatment, per our Constitution.

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I mean, it’s not against the constitution unless it’s the government imposing religious coercion laws - like requiring prayer in public school to pass, but I take your point - they are encouraging you to do something.

Alternatively look at it from the providers stance, they are doing what they think is best for their other patients, and you want to force them to ignore that taking away their choice.

They have other policies that are enforced that don’t seem to bother you as well, like requiring a shirt and shoes - what if your views about having shoes indoors was sacrilegious?