Stop late night policy agendas passing through Congress

We the people can no longer allow members of the house and Senate to reign supreme and do whatever they want to do. They have to be accountable to the American people, and there has to be rules, policies & checks put into place that prohibit the free reign of power they currently have.

Right now, the house and Senate does whatever they want to do. That has to stop. They have to become accountable to the American people and the only way we’re gonna accomplish that is to start limiting their power.

History shows that all too often when a specific bill is presented in the middle of the night and unrelated policies are added onto an existing bills it passes & sneaks through The house without all members of the House or Senate knowing all the particular nuances of a bill. A perfect example is Nancy Pelosi telling the house that they would have to sign the Affordable Heathcare Act (Obama care) bill to find out what’s in it. That is unAmerican and UNACCEPTABLE and should NEVER be allowed. The House & Senate members must be held to responsibility for the bills they vote for.

All too often, the house names a Bill with a very enticing name yet sneaks in countless Unrelated clauses that have nothing to do with the name of the bill or are anti- American policies that support agendas that are aligned with certain political agendas or wasteful money grants…This can no longer be acceptable.

If a bill is called Protect Voting Rights it cannot grant millions of dollars to other countries or rebuild or redecorate people‘s offices or allow foreclosures to occur within a 24 hour period without going to court (That one is a bit of a stretch, but If an activist wanted it, they would probably get it put into a bill). All of these things are agendas that are snuck into bills on a regular basis.

Every house member or senator Who backs or cosponsors a bill?should sign off on each bill and affirm that they Have read and understand the bill and will explain to their constituents the reasons why they supported or rejected a particular bill. Failure to do so could result in a recall, and can result in them losing their position in the house or Senate.

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