If “Green Energy” was sufficient to carry our electric load, it could carry the financial burden as well. But it can do neither.
Neither windmills nor solar farms reliably, day or night produce enough energy…especially for the output of cost…to carry American’s energy needs. Not only must government subsidies cover the costs, but gas, nuclear and coal fired energy plants must work around them to pick up their shortcomings. Natural gas, nuclear or even coal fired plants use much less land, are less of an eyesore, and they produce more electricity at a much cheaper cost with uninterrupted reliability. Windmills have decimated our wildlife (see for example Prairie Chickens and the destruction of their mating grounds) as have the multi-acre solar farms. Birds, bats, whales and other animals are harmed around both types of energy. which destroys their habitat. This is not GREEN…it is just another way for greedy people to get rich and then leave the taxpayer holding the bag once their usefulness is expended.