Stop Gene Altering Technology Now

Remove all self assembling nanotechnology from our food, medications, water, air, supplements. This includes any gene altering technology.


Amen to that !! i just postesd a vid on the covid testing kits. 100% of these tests carry Insect DNA. Everyone. People would think that this would mutate over centuries, but after watching this, I ran across some info about scientists had injected a dog with the protein found in the fireflys that make them glow. the dog had puppies with glowing organs that could be seen in real time. There insides glowed . what? It was that quick that this DNA was able to effect the natural species and alter it. also with in this same video, they have taken the DNA of spiders and placed into goats. because the silk is used to make bullet proof equipment and I guess with the goats they can produce more of this protein through their milk. but, what about the people, children and babies that depend on goat milk? we are a mess. we truly are as a species. WE didn’t seem to do so good as a whole.