Stop funding for Israel

With all the problems going on in our country: homelessness, inflation rates, people not able to afford to live! The government should be focusing on its own country, not funding the deaths of people. Stop giving Israel more money and weapons funded by US tax dollars, use them instead for better US healthcare, education, and solving homelessness.


This should have way more likes and votes. Especially considering that Trump is all up Israelā€™s behind. My big pet peeve with Trump is his inexplicable loyalty to Israel and Zionism. No more money to Israel. And no more being aligned with Israel. People are waking up over the past few years to the fact that Israel is not the good guy.


Defund Israel Immediately, stop sending weapons to Israel. And abolish AIPAC. Establish a Palestinian states and right to return to ALL Palestinians.


Israel is Gods chosen land. In no way shape or form should we stop protecting and stop supporting them. You should think about China and how much China has over americas head thanks to Biden and Harris. Ban China


The Israel that exists today is NOT the biblical Nation of Israel. The state that exists today was established by the Rothschildā€™s in 1917 as a Zionist state by the Balfour declaration. Understand history and you will see how easily people have been played like fools and why the tensions in the Middle East never go away fully.


Our funding of Israel destabilizes the middle east. The Gaza situation must be resolved also an Israel Iran war must be avoided.


Israel is responsible for over 40,000 deaths, you think we should be supporting that?


America was established by its founders so that no entity can have a control over it. No lobbying, No Israel. Get out! govt belongs to the people


Well done, London!! When will people wake up and realize the truth about Israel.


YES!! You are so correct Billyray!!

I understand your frustration, however, consider thisā€¦ Trump puts people on a pedestal to expose them, not because he likes them!! Go back and find some of DJTā€™s meetings or non meetings with Benjaminā€¦ DJT turned his back on the guy many times. DJT is supportive of the Israeli people, ā€œhe wants them to stop dying.ā€ And, DJT is in full support of Godā€™s Chosen People. Understand, Godā€™s Chosen People will come to the forefront soon. The world needs to learn the TRUTH and then we shall be set free.

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ā€œTrump puts people on a pedestal to expose them, not because he likes them!!ā€

Iā€™m aware of that.

ā€œAnd, DJT is in full support of Godā€™s Chosen People. Understand, Godā€™s Chosen People will come to the forefront soon.ā€

Theyā€™re not Godā€™s chosen people. Iā€™m sorry you feel that way.

I donā€™t ā€¦ you misunderstand what I said. I agree with your saying no more money to Is-ra-el. And, you are so right, Israel is not the good guy. People are finally waking up to this. There is a reason DJT is doing what he is doing regarding Israel. I am just saying donā€™t jump to judgement too soon.

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I completely disagree. Israel is a key ally with the USA in the Middle East. They are at war. This makes Israelā€™s enemies the USAā€™s enemies. Friendship 101. This is not the place to start convincing others of my opinion, so Iā€™m posting this to provide some healthy counterarguments! :slight_smile: :israel: :israel: :israel:

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This is but one example of the failure of the Legislature to serve our Constitutional Republic, for those opposed to funding any nation states engaged in wars are unethically and immorally being extorted to fund it under threat of losing our property, or even worse, our freedom.

Conscientious Objection is honored for those with strong religious convictions against all forms of violence to be conscripted to serve as soldiers in war, but citizens have not been granted C.O. status as a religious right by way of our tax dollars. Not only is that a violation of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (which was signed and ratified making it a part of the Supreme Law of the Land as set forth by our Constitution), but it would help fund an ancillary arm - The Department of Peace, to apply temperance to the excesses of industry that are profiting off of bloodshed and contributing to war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

This would also in turn, inform the government of the will of their constituents, if/when a majority of Americans are opposed to their spending in relation to a permanent war economy.

Veteranā€™s for Peace are the best suited to a role in governmental cooperation and coordination to restore peace as security, as their wartime experiences bring value to solving problems through diplomacy, wherever possible.

That is addressed in this proposal:

ā€œBlessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of Godā€

I totally disagree. Once we take back our country from the internal enemies of liberty, the deep state, defunding the UN, defending the WHO and pulling the plug on globalist agendas, there will be plenty of funding for everything we need.

There is no reason to cut off our friends. We will cut off our enemies!

Defunding the WHOā€¦