There has to be a more humane way of handling the wild horse population than chasing them with helicopters until they’re exhausted, and the babies’ hooves have been worn down to nubs. These animals are bonded families and deserve to be given a chance at having lives together. This practice is barbaric.
As with many Federal Agencies, the abhorrent and intentional cruelty stems from corruption and greed. Lands that had been designated for the wild horses are more profitable if leased by corp cattle and sheep ranchers.
To move the horses, it is the same group of “ranchers” who are paid to herd them with helicopters, separate the bands, and then remove the captives to non-public spaces to live their lives in “feed lots”. The BLM pays the “feedlots”, which by the way are run by the same ranchers.
Some that are too old, or infirm, or just to “thin” out the herds, will be run through auctions privately used by known killers.
Yes, some are adopted by the public, but the main money operation is a cycle of money crossing palms…can you connect the dots?
If you believe these horses came from the conquistadors, do a little more research. DNA and gene research points much further back in history…it will surprise you. They are treasures of history and deserve a new way of handling them.