Stop allowing agriculture land to be subdivided for housing development

We have a limited amount of irrigatable land here in Wyoming. Much of it coming from streams, rivers, or irrigation projects dating back to the 1800’s. Most of the crops grown are either corn or hay for cattle since Wyoming is a cattle producing state more than anything. However in the past 15-20 years we have lost a huge amount of that land to realtors coming in and buying it up for housing subdivisions. When that land is gone and the water rights to it are sold off we can not get it back.
I feel we should be keeping our crop lands with water rights intact. The more farm ground lost the less food we have in our own country… even if that farm land is used only to feed livestock with. The down fall to this is family farms are failing at an alarming rate. This goes back to the high cost to keep a farm running compared to a factory, subsidized, farm and large corporations taking over. We need to stop the mass extinction of our small farms, the sale of our irrigated lands and the death of our livelihoods.