Stock ownership for Government

No acting member, or personnel, including immediate family members thereof, of the Presidential office, Congress, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and all government Departments are barred from buying, owning, trading, of any and all stock, of any company, as it can be seen as a sway in favorship against the people you were elected to serve. Should you win your election campaign, you are to immediately sell any stock you have. A barred period shall last for your entire serving term plus 5 years after you leave office. If you were disgracefully removed from office, same 5 year time span applies.


Restore Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae back to its stock holders. They have paid their debt but the government will not remove the conservatorship. We the people want our stock back.

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This proposal includes military members, which it should not.


Of course, needs some fine tuning

Rules for politicians stock trades

  1. They can only own full-spectrum, USA only, index funds (500 stocks or more)
  2. They cannot sell stocks until 5 years out of office (or qualifying hardship)
  3. No shorts, options, …)
  4. Rules apply to immediate family and any trusts they manage.

This forces the policies to be America first.

I’m Not Smart Enough To Understand Stocks Buying And Selling, But I Do Know And Understand How Current Members Of Government CHEAT. There Must Be Rules A d Regulations As The Other Posts Have Stated. Government Employees Do NOT Know How John Q. Public Lives Because They Are So RICH By Deceitful Means. Thank You For All Of ThePosts About This Matter🇺🇸

500 seems extreme, but I am aligned with restrictions to index funds and no individual stocks

I agree with some of this as well disagree with some, what I disagree, with is making members sell there stocks they owned be for coming into office, stopping them for buying, selling stock after being installed, yes they should not be aloud for them, family or friends of the family, should not be aloud to buy, sell or trade in the market. Members of our government can and have used information from the stock market to make millions, which is illegal already, any member found doing this, is breaking the law, there for should be removed from office immediately, band from running for any government office again, money made from any stock trade. Buying, sell, of themselves, family or friends, should be immediately be frozen, taken away from them, this includes foreign bank accounts holding stocking money, as well accounts here in the states, once the member, leaves office, they can resume, they stock trading but can’t not have any contact with members who are still in office, if they are caught conspiring with members that could be immediately jail sentence.

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Agreed and this should be all across every department of the government, no one in a government office, should not be aloud anything dealing with stock trading, selling, buying any at all.

Ideally, The position of the elected official is that he/she can buy the stock on the behave of the people and all the capital gains earnings go towards the national debt, education, and infrastructure that benefits Americans. Make them be brokers for the people as a part of their job. However, They cannot allow themselves or any extended family member purchase the stock until Elected official is out of office for 3 years