State Oversite of Intelligence Agencies

The Intelligence Agencies of the United States and Agencies that manage foreign affairs have become uncontrollable and unaccountable to the Citizens of this Country. The Senate and Congress either are afraid to hold them accountable or when they attempt to do so most information is considered “Classified” and therefore no knowledge can ever be gained from them. The Pentagon and intelligence agencies of this country have no accountability and in many ways have literally engaged in activities that directly counter the policies of the Executive Branch or have harmed the American People. From the founding of this Country these agencies did not exist but have since been corrupted by Americans who serve someone other than the President. These could be Corporations, NGO’s, Cartels and in some cases Foreign Govts.

No new Federal Agency should be created. Instead an Agency with true legal and enforcement power should be created who’s members are appointed from the State Legislators from each state to serve a 5 year term. Each State will provide 5 “Agents” in total. Each year the the term ends for the earliest appointed and a new one is appointed. Therefore, for each State there will always be a new Agent and 4 others with corresponding 2, 3, 4, 5 years of experience. Each Agent must be able to pass the appropriate clearance before taking office.

The tasks for this agency is to review all emails or documents within the Intelligence apparatus and research the activities and expenditures of our Govt. They will have the duty to interview any individual that they deem necessary.
Any information withheld from these agents is treason to the United States of America. If any member of this Agency discloses any Classified information outside of appropriate channels would be committing treason to the United States of America.

The agency when discovering inappropriate or illegal actions from our intelligence agencies or lies that are told to the Congress, Senate or Executive Branch, have the power to bring charges against the member of the intelligence agencies to be tried. The Court that will have jurisdiction of these cases will need to be determined by smarter people than me, but it could be military tribunal if needed as long as the constitutional rights of the accused are respected.

The answer to the problem cannot come from Washington DC. It must be reserved to the power and authority of the States.

This is why citizens need to push to eliminate all not enumerated agencies!