SSI & SSDI reform

So I’m disabled I have an uncarable blood disorder I cannot work I can’t work for myself. I get 9:43 a month I have a daughter 13. Fighting with social security to get my Medicare they won’t give it to me they or they keep denying me so how do you live off 943 a month and the economy changes if I didn’t have somewhere to go I’d be homeless and I have an uncurable disease heritary hematoma crisis HH it’s a blood disorder you need to be able to change you have to change the money that you’re given how can someone live on this what the economy like this People are disabled that are on a fixed income My car insurance is $380 a month and I’ve done nothing I don’t even have any I got I don’t even drive bad it’s it’s kind of ridiculous. I’ve had it my whole life and they say because I made a certain amount of money when I was younger that I don’t get SSDI so I only get this amount of money not the other amount of money but I and then I found out that I can work for I have the 5 years I need to work to get it but it’s like pulling teeth to get anyone to help you That’s social security so I’m sitting here suffering and then I see migrants getting more money than I get and I’m born here they’re getting $350 a week for food and two to $3,000 a month and they’re on what I’m on social security what is this it’s like backwards you got some hurt in Americans around here that need help and the rest of social security needs to be you know like you said you need to put the people’s money into some kind of IRA so they have it when they’re older like the same money that you would take out you you guys put it in something but you can’t touch it either maybe you can use the interest but you can’t take it you guys keep taking from borrowing and borrowing this you got the government shouldn’t be able to borrow from social security it’s not your money you know the people that pay into it and then and then you’re disabled and then people are disabled to get screwed and then the people that social security are mean I’m not trying it but I don’t know that’s all thank you I could just use better doctors and you know more money a month or be allowed to work without being I can’t work though that’s the whole point I can’t do I work for myself my whole life Even with neurologist saying that I have pre-dementia you know I’m 47 I can’t take care of my kid I can’t do anything it’s about being able to live your life and being it fair to live your life and I’m being held back cuz I can’t even take care of my family

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I’m sorry Sean. I’ve also been fighting with SSA half of my life now as well as the health care system. I lost half of my vision to Graves disease c which went undiagnosed for a decade. I had 4 eye surgeries through college and an surgical internship which is very ironic. I was working as a very successful surgical technologist when my health failed me over and over again due to an over looked health issue because i didn’t look ill. I lost my ability to perform my duties and autoimmune disease ravaged my body. I have not recovered unfortunately. I have been fighting with Social Security since.

These programs are completely broken and dehumanizing. The fact that I come from a military family, have a college degree, worked in very hard in health care, saved lives, birthed babies, and I have paid my taxes, voted in elections, and I’m still over looked is very unsettling.

I have contacted my state reps and other officials and have private representation without any help. The SSA still owes me thousands in retroactive compensation i am sure i will never receive. I’m barely making ends meet. It would be a nice change of pace to live without fear.