Slient Auditing Department (SAD)

People in roles at different intelligence agencies have enormous power, and power often corrupts. I propose that we have a new agency dedicated to silently auditing what goes on there, and notes things so that it can be brought before the house. Both to determine if changes need to be made to laws or policies or Justice met out for actions taken.

By being Silent, they will not make members of the intelligence agencies aware of their presence or monitoring so as to prevent them from destroying evidence or creating alibi’s etc, and also avoid interfering in legitimate work also.

Data can be accumulated just like the agencies do when they are compiling cases against citizens and be brought before the house so as to be reviewed and remove the consequences from being controlled by the same agency that’s collecting the evidence.

While this idea was originally created for the intelligence agencies it could conceivably be expanded to other agencies as well as needed to ensure corruption and malpractices are not occurring.