I agree with the sunset law on all bills/laws except for inhumane laws put in place to save the human race. Laws for human trafficking have expiration dates on them and these bills/laws should be the law of the land with no expiration date.
If it takes more than one page to write the bill it is too complicated to be federal law. Federal law should be very simple to prevent misinterpretation, etc.
this is a wonderful first step. Our country originally operated on the need for understandable legislation. If we are going to have any kind of transparency then people must be able to understand the bills being voted upon. I also would like to see there be an easier way to contact our legislators versus leaving voice messages they probably will never hear.
Yes to everything, plus a re-establishment of the publication of a collection of US legislation, much like the late US Statutes at Large.
Agreed! Sometimes a subject is too complex for only 1-2 pages. An “executive summary” at the beginning that clearly summarizes everything in 1-2 pages would be a great idea, so the rest of the bill could be as comprehensive as needed. But still precise. I appreciate what their going for though👏
I love this but I don’t think they can keep it to one page. Ten to fifteen pages may be more reasonable.
I have noticed members of Congress doesn’t even appear to hear arguments anymore. I don’t know why they all aren’t there to debate these things.
I think it should be Congress must be present like they used to also.
One bill one vote is def the way to go!,
I’m so glad someone else is talking about this, I’ve been telling everyone I know this is what we need!!! Below are some of my notes, if you see any language you think would be helpful, please feel free to use it!
Addressing “Poison Pill” Tactics in Legislation
“Poison pill” amendments or provisions are often added to bills to derail or discredit proposed legislation. These tactics can obstruct legitimate policy discussions and hinder legislative progress.
Recommended Solutions:
- Increase Transparency:
- All bills must be single bills only, NO pork belling, the bills can’t be no more the 5-10 pages long and must be written at a 10-grade reading level, this will allow the vast morality of US citizens to be able to read and understand the bill that is being passed.
- Require all amendments and additional provisions in bills to be clearly outlined and accessible to the public. This measure allows for greater scrutiny, making it easier to identify and address “poison pill” provisions before they become roadblocks in legislative processes.
This has been my idea of simple government for many years. Thanks for posting because this issue was going to be my first posting.
I agree with all of it except
Sunset Clauses for All Legislation:
-Every bill must include a sunset clause, setting an expiration date, unless explicitly renewed by a vote. This ensures that laws are periodically reviewed for relevance and effectiveness, with the opportunity for renewal based on performance and need.
Of it is meant to expire in a certain amount of time it can be put in if not is the law. Eventually it would become almost impossible to go through every law and "re approve " it.
Absolutely! Although I think the single page bill might be unrealistic, of course every bill should be weighd for it’s own merits. Also note that it might be easier for law makers to read and understand lengthy bills if they actually came to work 5 days a week like the rest of the world. They should get a week or tewo at Thankgsgiving and Christmas not months at a time.
This is necessary to keep honesty and integrity and for the people to know who is looking after their best interests.
Yes !! We need transparentence !
I disagree, to people saying that it doesn’t need to be one page (eg 5 pages or less are fine). If you look at the Constitution, the founders managed to legislate the amendments in very short order. If it needs to be longer than one page, it probably isn’t a single issue bill
I support but I think the pages should be increased, there should be limited to say 5 pages, deadlines, notification to citizens who want to read the bill and vote. It’s important we know who has submitted the bill.
This right here. Make sure it can’t be tampered with!
I agree we need this badly! So many congress member abuse how long a bill can be.
I understand the sentiment of having a short bill that one can read. But remember that when you write a law, it has to use very specific language otherwise individuals or corporations or politicians can find loopholes and ignore that bill that is signed into law. So you actually have to have really specific legal language in order for a bill to hold up as law Otherwise, it will be ineffective. This is why you need really educated people writing laws using their legal backgrounds.
Just making a rule in a classroom can be difficult as students are clever and can find a loophole or way around it and if it’s not clear and specific*, it can be unfair.
I agree