Sibling Discount for College

Prior to the 2024-2025 FAFSA, families got a discount for siblings going to college by lowering the EFC index (i.e. if 1 student from a family went to college, the EFC index was used; if 2, it was divided by 2, etc). IT makes sense to take the number of children going to college into account. It was known as the “Sibling Discount” and was removed starting this year.

This is a burden because, for example, as a single mother of 4 kids, with an EFC index of $30K, I’m now expected to be able to pay $60K for two of my kids who are currently in college - meaning that I an not eligible for any grants and also a lot of scholarships that are need-based. Next year, my twins will also be going to college. That means I’m expected to be able to pay $120K PER YEAR for their college. Absurd and not doable.