Shrink the Size of the U.S. Government - Sell Government Owned Land

The framers believed the Constitution limited the Federal Government to just a few and defined powers that were to be used principally on external objects, as war, peace negotiation, and foreign commerce - the latter to which the power of taxation was to be connected. See Federalist Paper No. 45.

What we have now is a government that has completely ignored the Constitution and involved itself in internal affairs far beyond anything anticipated by the founders.

There is no authorization in the Constitution to tax one citizen for the benefit of another. We should do away with the income tax and all transfer payments. Charities will pick up the slack for those in needs far more efficiently than the government.

Create a cut off point for those near retirement and pay them off by selling some of the land the Federal Government owes. The Federal Government owns approximately 1/3 of the land in America. Once the budget is cut, the money from the sale of land could be used to reduce our debt and rest of the debt should be defaulted honestly by letting borrowers know they will only get back a portion of the money loaned.

But only after we get the budget under control. The Federal Government needs to be shrunk to the size it was around the turn of the 20th century which allow it to be funded by impost duties, tariffs and excise taxes.

The income tax, federal reserve, the 17th Amendment, and a generally irresponsible government has destroyed America with little time to save it.


It’s true that “there is no authorization in the Constitution to tax one citizen for the benefit of another.” Even more, taxing one group of the population to benefit another group of the population means forcing one group of the population into involuntary servitude, which is a violation of the 13th Amendment.
The 16th Amendment, which gave Congress the power to tax income, nullified the 13th Amendment and replaced slavery to slave owners with slavery to the government. The 26th Amendment, which removed the obligation to pay taxes from eligibility to vote, created a class of voters fully dependent on other people’s money who, therefore, always voted for a bigger government and more taxes.