The United States currently funds the vast majority of Nato’s budget. We do this through revenue acquired from taxation and from printed money. This increases the already undo burden placed on the American taxpayer while also dramatically increasing inflation.
Additionally, Nato was originally created to expose the expansion of the Soviet Union, a country that ceased to exist thirty years ago. There is no reason why the current government of Russia needs to be an adversary, nor why the United States should continue to see the Russian Federation in an adversarial light.
I propose that the United States propose the following two options to NATO, and allow the other NATO countries to select one or the other option, but not abstain.
Either, option 1. the United States, effective immediately, withdraw from NATO completely, and sever all financial and military ties with NATO.
Or option 2. Russia be offered to join NATO as a full-fledged member.
Russia is currently a rapidly expanding and strengthening economic and military power. Thus, Russia could help to dramatically reduce the burden that America’s ridiculous position in NATO affords us, while also giving us a strong economic, political, and military ally. Imagine a world in which, instead of being terrified of multi-polarity, we embraced it. Imagine a world in which, instead of competing against and trying to hold back Russia, the United States and Russia worked together to build a better and stronger future for both nations. That is the world I would like to live in, and encouraging Russia to join NATO is a step that I would love to see taken.
Additionally, if the other countries in NATO wish to oppose Russian involvement in NATO, the US should no longer sacrifice our own interests for theirs. Let them fund their own defense if they want to pursue a world with less peace, and if they want to hold onto grudges for past events that have nothing to do with the current Russian government. Of course, the United States should respect any NATO country that desires to have unfavorable relations with Russia, that is what they choose and we should respect that, but we should not be expected to burden our country with their anger. Instead, we should pursue a friendly relationship with Russia.