Roaring Kitty Act: To end market manipulation

In 2021, we’ve witnessed in real time how bad market makers, hedge funds, and even exchanges can collude to prevent the success of businesses, and actively conspire to collapse companies for profit. GME, AMC, and many others fell victim to a series of attacks. Synthetic shares were created to drive the price down, and hidden away in swap contracts. Naked shorting was used to sell shares that didn’t exist via these synthetics. Even the exchanges turned off the buy button when we saw these stocks rise to astronomical amounts.

Today, market manipulation has become a sad norm, and this act aims to bring justice to many of these financial crooks, bring restitution to all who have been victimized, and create measures to prevent it from happening again.

  • All stock trading must be done on the live market.
  • Every stock is converted to blockchain, with a public ledger available to everyone.
  • Politicians must liquidate all positions and cannot hold any investment class other than cash, gold, silver, or Bitcoin.
  • Politicians may only possess one house in their home state and cannot own any other form of real estate.
  • End short selling, as it incentivizes crashing the value of companies for profit
  • End swaps and derivatives as they are filled with illicit trades (ie naked short selling).
  • End Acceptance Waiver and Consent, which allows financial institutions to accept a minor penalty for financial crimes.
  • Financial criminals must pay back at least 100% of illicit earnings and all funds must be immediately returned to victims with a minimum +100% compensation. Every decision maker in an institution complicit in financial crimes serve mandatory jail time and never be permitted to run a business, prohibited from working in the financial industry, nor handle financial decisions for anyone else.
  • Victims of financial crimes can accept compensation in Bitcoin, gold, and silver.
  • Executives in any financial institution may not possess any stocks or cryptocurrencies (outside of Bitcoin.) Executives may not be a beneficiary to any trusts that possess stocks under said trusts name.
  • Initiate a +5-8% tariff on any nation for every individual citizen taking advantage of their laws to skirt US finance laws. +15% tariff for any businesses or organizations attempting to skirt US finance laws.

Here’s what happens when you allow financial terrorists to get away.

Citadel failed to accurately report $42 BILLION in trades. They only had to pay $1 Million.

This is what it looks like visually.