Wow, I share and have expressed 99% of what you just said, Lise! I have been trying to shout those concepts from the rooftops. I would like to echo your comments by sharing three tweets in which I described those issues quite fiercely. The first tweet is my PINNED tweet, because it’s the first thing that I want everyone to know about abortion. What many people don’t know about my advocacy is, I’m not just fighting against elective abortion because it kills human beings; it’s a fight against the underlying anti-woman/anti-mother ideology infecting our society, and it’s a fight to push Democrats and our society to offer women something better.
A few quick reminders about my proposal, in response to your post:
-My proposal is more of a right to very basic, and commonly supported, medical safeguards for pregnant women. Women already have access to free healthcare (Medi-caid) or regular insurance. We are no longer denied because of pre-existing conditions. There is always room for improvement for access to routine and preventative healthcare, however my proposal does not prevent other healthcare proposals from taking effect. It does supplement other healthcare proposals quite well.
-Secondly, the concepts taught in my proposed high school awareness class will tackle the culture issues and misinformation that you cited. I truly believe that if men learned about how horrible abortion really is, the harms of all forms of exploitation, coercion, abuse, COERCIVE CONTROL, toxic stress, player culture, absent parenthood, as well as basic parenting skills, etc. they would treat women better. They would understand that it’s not ok to exploit women’s bodies for sex. And young people overall would be less scared, and hateful, of babies. The following reply post has more details on this high school awareness idea: Teach Life Skills in Schools - #3 by AshleyLuna
-Democrats have successfully tricked the masses into thinking that elective abortion = healthcare. The many layers of this proposal package would thoroughly decouple that concept, showing people that we do not need to support elective-abortion-until-birth to support women’s healthcare.
-I do call for a well-defined definition for “rape” and specific, supportive documentation, to qualify for the exception. I’m well aware that some people abuse the definition of “rape” and the disservice that causes.
-Lastly, I have a separate proposal, designed to tackle some of the economic coercive control that pregnant women and mothers often face. While this other proposal is likely too liberal for the Trump administration, I am personally pushing it/throwing this out there because I truly believe in it. Federal Paid Maternal Leave, Unpaid Intermittent leave & College flexibility