How about a website where we can sign up for a tipline and be given an ID number of some kind?
When you see illegals you call the 1-800 number give them your number and report it.
Allow local law enforcement to roll them up and reward the snitches with money for each one ICE deports.
There would need to be a way to say how you know they are here illegally. Not sure how that would work.
Part of the citizenship requirements is that you speak English. (Or it used to be) If we had voter ID’s that might be a way to show you’re a citizen? I don’t know, just throwing the idea out there to flesh it all out.
So I’m not sure I totally agree with this. My opinion is this. Increase ICE. Also pay local and state police double time when they punch in for extra duty to help enforce ICE by going door to door in every neighborhood checking id’s. Definitely needs to be a law enforcement task not civilian. That could go very bad very quickly.
I was never thinking of some door to door type activity. That’s too invasive and expensive. I was thinking more along the, "see something, say something ", tactic.
No matter how this goes down, there’s likely to be problems with such a big project.
I was trying to put forth an idea that might help insensitive the public to help.
This would encourage too much poor behavior from our citizenry. Best for citizens to stay uninvolved and allow formal organizations to solve this issue.
It’s a lot easier for members of a formal organization to be held accountable rather than citizens with deniability.
You’re probably right.
I was just thinking there may be some kind of reward for getting people to help.
Something like the rewards you here about when people are wanted fugitives.
“…for information leading to the arrest and conviction…”
You know they always say never approach the person.
Agreed, but laws and restrictions are for law abiding citizens, my concern is encouraging the latter part of the populous to act viciously against people.
Well, that is always a possibility.
I would never support vigilante type behavior.
I think if you seek reward for such an act, you should join a border or immigration department that will pay you for your employment.
How would you know someone is illegally here?
How do you prevent the misdirected targeting of legal minorities?
We are already in a financial disaster, people need to be encouraged to produce, not snitch. Let law enforcement manage illegals. Do your civil duty and report to be helpful, not with financial incentive.
The reward is civil stability and proper fund allocation as a result.
I simply must agree to disagree. But thanks for the civil discussion!
I was thinking a financial incentive would get people to participate.
I actually agree with you. I don’t need an incentive to participate either.
People seem to be lazy and selfish. My intent was to get them off the couch.
Agreed, I just want the right people off the couch.