Revolutionize Women's Sanitation- Equitable Access and Safety for Feminine Hygiene Products

  1. Abolish the Pink Tax or Provide Products Free of Charge: Menstruation is a health necessity, not a luxury. Either remove the pink tax on feminine hygiene products to reduce costs for consumers or make these essential items free. Both approaches support equitable access and recognize the importance of these products for those who menstruate.

  2. Mandatory Sterility Testing: To protect public health, all feminine hygiene products should undergo routine sterility testing. This ensures product safety, minimizing the risk of infections and supporting consumer trust.

  3. Realistic Absorbency Testing: Absorbency tests using colored water don’t accurately reflect product performance. Require testing with fluids that mimic menstrual blood viscosity to improve reliability and ensure product effectiveness.

Implementing these measures will promote fair access, enhance safety, and provide reliable options for individuals who rely on feminine hygiene products.