Doctors and hospitals are forced to follow harmful, often useless, STANDARDS OF CARE protocols or risk lawsuits, loss of license or loss of hospital privileges. STANDARDS OF CARE have been set in place for everything from a patient presenting with a simple cut finger to adolescent gender confusion. Most have been put in place by groups or corporations that financially benefit from doctors and hospitals being forced under duress to follow what are often dangerous, useless and expensive procedures.
Example: A teen goes to a physician and complains of depression. If a doctor doesn’t prescribe an “antidepressant,” his/her license may be in jeopardy if teen attempts suicide - even though one of the primary side effects of antidepressants is suicidal ideations. Doctors are risking their careers if they don’t do what they think is wrong to do.
The forcing of “Standard of Care” was obviously off the charts with the Covid impositions (masking, distancing, staying indoors, Covid shots, Remdesivir) which most of us now know were worthless at best and dangerous at worst.
Medical decisions need to be returned to physicians, and to patients who have been truly informed of pros and cons by their doctors.