Reverse the ban on healthy light bulbs

Reverse the ban on fluorescent light bulbs and incandescent lights! LED bulbs are dangerous for human health.


If I remember correctly they are already in the process of unbanning them :slight_smile:


I think so as well; however, instead of us using arguments of, which form of lighting is healthy or harmful, we should probably use the broader more pertinent argument that it is absolutely not the role of governments to intervene in our marketplaces.

Markets should be off-limits to govt entities and timely penalties might be applied to officials of regulatory agencies and departments *who try to intervene in the marketplace in any capacity, including product bans, substitutions, wage/price/cost controls, product and materials sourcing and/or distrubution, subsidizing, restricting, monopolization, and any other unfair market practices or actions that run contrary to a free and open market. Any of their newly-created agency regulations which are catagorized as such should immediately be stricken and become “null and void”. State governments who do this should have federal tax funds withheld until they strike the new regulations, since they are not only impacting their residents, they are also impacting the national body as a whole via the Commerce Clause.

Regulations already on the books, which fall under this catagory might also be summarily dismissed from all federal, state, and local governments – and we might start this national purge by examining all climate-change-related regulations that currently impact existing products and markets (e.g. light bulbs, toilets and showers, hot water heaters, vehicles, gas stoves, building materials, etc).

These regulations can easily be addressed under Trump’s brand new executive order establishing government regulation controls, where, for every one regulation created by an agency, they need to show proof of removing 10 other regluations. So this can be accomplished in parallel with creating other needed regulations, since the mandate for removing regulations already exists under the new EO. It represents low-hanging fruit for agencies already – Trump already created the ideal conditions for purging market-controlling regulations. This approach may solve tens of thousands of issues – not just this one, specific to light bulbs. In summary – take the heavy ‘regulation’ boot off the economy and its products and services, and America will be well on its way to being Great Again. My two cents. on it. Thanks. :slight_smile:


Good and a VERY important point.

Wow bring in the real light
Non of this fake light :slight_smile:

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I have a seizure disorder due to MS. I can’t be around either fluorescents or LED will potentially give me a seizure. The sound of that fluorescents make gives me a headache and I know to get out of wherever I am. You may think this is rare but do a search on how bad both fluorescents and LED lights are to more people than you would expect. I understand I am an outlier. We bought 400$ worth of incandescent lights so I would at least have a years before I would be having to go the dark web for lights that didn’t cause me seizures, nausea, anxiety.

In case you want to look into the studies done. This isn’t even half of what I have found.

Exposure to artificial light at night increases innate immune activity during development in a precocial bird - ScienceDirect