I would like them to allow the remaining spouse to keep their deceased spouses social security. Their budgets and their security is set up on a joint income. When one of the spouses passes away it creates a horrible financial burden on remaining spouse. Many times they are forced to move, sell their homes, or moving with their children. Worst case scenario they become homeless. After several years of the last economy this is becoming a reality for A lot of elderly people. If we are allowed to keep our deceased spouses social security we can continue to live our lives independently. As a couple we set up a liveable situation. Most of the time the husband passes first. As you get older the life insurance gets smaller but the monthly premimum get more expensive. I know our spouse would want us to continue our lives comfortable and not destitute. That is what i would like to see changed with Social Security. Why should the deceased spouse money go to the government? Help us live our lives independant and with dignity.
The Social Security should also pass down to beneficiaries after passing of parents. You put into Social Security from the time you obtain and fund it. Yet, you only receive it when you retire. The amount of time you put in the fund should continue and pass down to beneficiaries etc.
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