As a truck driver and as many of my brothers and sisters can agree with. Many places we go to pick up and deliver loads, simply don’t have bathroom access. I’ve even seen a post where places are charging drivers just to use the bathroom. I believe it is inhumane and should be a basic human right to use a bathroom. So I would like to see a law put in federally, to allow us access to some sort of a bathroom.
Thats wild that places of business will not allow drivers, who they probably have a contract with, to use their restrooms.
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Oh it’s absolutely shocking, I deliver auto parts for the big three auto makers in the Midwest. The funny part is the smaller suppliers usually will, but the trillion dollar automakers won’t. Ford usually always supplies them at their factories, but the others don’t get your hopes up. But I’ve heard this from many different drivers across the country. So I know it’s just not the automakers and this is a country wide issue.
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