Radio and Television programs are absolutely drenched in left-wing liberal ideology. Entire stations have employees dedicated to this political alignment, inherently against most traditional American values, and in support of communist and socialist values.
Personally, I recall spending a quarter of a century going to- and from work, with the radio on and tuned into my local public radio station because I liked classical music and programs carried by this station. I winced every time I was hit with left-leaning propaganda on these programs, but grit my teeth and reminded myself that I either have to put up with it and ‘tune it out in my mind’ or settle for another non-public radio station that carries less desirable content.
TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, I had to endure that propaganda garbage from my public radio stations, which, ironically, I was helping to fund with every trip to- and from work. My taxes were going into these stations and coming back on me as liberal propaganda. As a patriotic conservative who embraces traditional American values, this was ongoing torture, paid for by my own taxes. It was not like I could change the station to another publicly-funded station that pushed traditional values and classical music – it was that station, or nothing.
Perhaps we can save others the decades of pain by putting stipulations on National Public Radio, and other government-funded state public radio stations that, if they push their own political agendas and decide to propagandize their content by injecting political suggestions and sly nudging into every few minutes of their radio (and television) programming, that they are not entitled to have government-funded contributions to help cover the costs of such political propaganda.
Whether it be left-leaning or right-leaning is not the point. We should not have our taxes going out on the airwaves to destroy the values that we currently hold dear – especially while we are driving to- and from work in order to make those ideas a reality. Government funding and potential propaganda outlets simply don’t mix, and we really should not be in the business of allowing it any further. It is contrary to the workings of a productive and peaceful society; and ultimately flies in the face of open, free, and competitive media markets, as well as individual liberties.