Restore skilled trade training to schools

I propose that we reinstate classes in subjects such as shop, home economics, and automotive repair in public high schools. These courses were once standard offerings, but have been cut in recent years. College is not the best fit for every adolescent, and it should not be forced on those who are not ready for or interested in academics.

Trade classes would provide students with the skills they need to get jobs after high school. Such programs would employ teachers and vendors, and would also improve student attendance, social skills and self-esteem. Students would develop a sense of responsibility and maturity, learn to set long- and short-term goals and make intelligent choices. More young people would become invested in their own futures and look forward to building a life after high school.

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I agree that trade school education should be part of high school!

This can be achieved by each city start with a specialty high school for: 1) business, 2) technology- IT, 3) science, 4) construction related (plumbing, electrical, drywalling, heating & air conditioning).

The students who attend in one of these trade schools will receive a high school degree plus a degree in the respective trade.

The above schools should be a collaboration with private industry by invitation.
For example, if Apple Corporation wants to send instructors to the technology school, they can be part of the teaching staff for the program.

If students excel in these type of high school/trade school might apply to Colleges, though can easily work part time or full time in the respective trade.

I was a beneficiary of an Economic High School in Hungary & when I legally immigrated to the US, able to obtain a full time job as an Accountant and supported myself immediately.
Subsequently I decided to further my education and became a CPA in the US.

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