Restore Historic Names

Under Presidents Obama & Biden, the historic names of landmarks and geographic features have been stripped, being replaced by names that one of the American Indian tribes may have used, or entirely made-up names - all for the purpose of erasing the accurate history of the United States of America, by downplaying all of the admirable accomplishments of Americans, especially any Americans who were (1) white, (2) Christian, and/or (3) men.

Look through the record to discover each instance of these re-naming occurrences, and restore the rightful names to these locations.

Two prominent examples are Mount McKinley (renamed Mount “Denali”) and Mount Evans (renamed Mount “Blue Sky”).


My thoughts on subject, find out the real history so correct names can be given. Names given to landmarks and geographic features are represented by the voter and at no time should a political person be allowed to change said name with out a unanimous vote by the people.

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