Require Islamists to integrate into USA values

Require Islamists and any other culture to adapt to USA values. If they choose not to, then they can not immigrate to the USA. The will then be deported. This is a Christian Nation founded on Christian values, if you do not like Christianity, then they can leave. Below is an example:

Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden Ebba Busch:

“Islam must adapt to Swedish values. Muslims who do not integrate must leave the country. Honour killings, beheadings, stoning of women and Sharia law have no place here.”

Too much leniency is given to dignitaries from other countries are allowed not to follow the US law. If these dignitaries do not follow USA law then they shall also be deported.


Islam is not compatible with Christianity, and you are not going to get them to adapt to Christianity any more than Christians will reject Christ for something else. Islam must be banned in the USA completely. They already have Muslim countries and must live there.