The Representatives should never be allowed to vote on giving themselves raises. I also believe that We The People should be able to have say or vote whether they get raises. I would even go further that they make the average income of the state they represents. Or We The People decides whether they get their raise depending on their job performance. I would love other’s opinion on this matter.
The way I look at it, it should go back to when they weren’t paid. Give them per diem for when they go to DC, but nothing more. They shouldn’t live in DC, but live among their constituents and do quarterly town meetings. Lobbying should also be illegal.
great idea. think you have solved the term limits problem. performance based pay.
like your idea of per diem, and doing away with lobby.
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” - Benjamin Franklin
They should be paying back Socia; Security that have been stollen from the American people. They should have to pay for their own insurance and retirement just as the people. They should have to go on S.S. at the same age as the people. No more retirement handed to them for life if they serve. No more free insurance for the rest of their lives. After their limited terms the go back into the work force if they are not old enough to retire.
yes, i hadnt heard anything from my representatives until 2 weeks before the elections when they start calling and sending text messages…a little late isnt it? As and elected representative, you are supposed to know what your constituents want at any given time- not 2 weeks before the election.
I would go even further, no lifetime retirement payments, no health insurance, other than what is offered to their state government employees.
I like the idea of formal, unbiased job performance reviews. Their goals should be posted publicly and include poll results of why their constituents voted for them and who has funded them.
I believe the people of the state the Senators and Representatives represent, vote in their pay raise. They need to supply we the people with a report card showing that they are voting in our best interests and the interests of our great nation.
They should make the average wage of the state along with working within a company budgets on their trips to Washington. They want to stay at the Ritz then they can shell out the $ from their own pocket. And when they RETIRE they only get 25% of that wage and not a full paycheck.
Agree, each state population decides, also limited pension, 2x term limit, no lobby jobs for 10 yrs after leaving public office or taking jobs with companies as a consultant
While we’re at it let’s have mandatory random drug and narcotics screenings for these people too. Cocaine/drugs discovered on federal property should immediately force everybody who entered the building to be drug screened regardless of their office.
Us regular Americans are subjected to it at work and in the military so it’s only fair our politicians have to put up with it too.